Hi Tim,

> I'd like to run multiple commands in Bash:
> patch -m <patchfile && hg diff && cd dir && make -s
> but for audit purposes I'd like each command in the list to be echoed
> as run, even better I'd like the Bash prompt to appear too in front of
> each line.

    $ cat tim
    echo not reached
    $ PS1='$ ' bash --norc -ei <tim
 A  $ id
    uid=1000(ralph) gid=1000(ralph) 
    $ date
    2015-03-12 15:32:23 +0000 Thu
 B  $ false

Note, the `$ ' from A to B are from the bash I've explicitly invoked.
At the end, it returns to my shell.  Ask if there's anything you can't
figure out.

Cheers, Ralph.

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