Hi Clive,

> I have 2 files which only have a number similar to 149C6000 with no 
> extension (that I can see), files are not recognised but info is they 
> are a 'OLE2 compound document storage'.
> Tried adding a known extension but nothing is shown that makes sense.  
> The only info shown when having an .xls extension, after 'Calc' 
> conversion, was 'root entry' in the second cell.

`Root Entry' suggests it is OLE2.  You could try file(1) on them at the
command line.  It may give more detail.

    file 149C6000 149C6001

Perhaps strings(1) will show up some text in their content that gives a

    strings 149C6000 >0.str
    strings 149C6001 >1.str

There's http://www.decalage.info/olefile which I haven't used, but may
help.  To install, see if it's packaged for your distro, or else try

    pip install olefile

as that page says.  You'll have to find where it has been installed as I
don't think this will be in your PATH, e.g.

    sudo find / -name olefile.py

Then you can run it directly with

    /above/location/from/find/olefile.py 149C6000 >0.content

Cheers, Ralph.

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