Hi Clive-

I find with commands like Rsync I remember recipes and use them all the

I used to use *rsync -avcz *for everything ...
-a includes -r so you don't need both
-v gives you more output.
-c makes it checksum the files rather than looking only at file size and
datestamp, so is safer but a lot slower. Optional, depending on
circumstance. Perhaps use the first time if repairing a broken copy,
otherwise don't bother.
-z compresses the data over the wire, only useful over the network and
probably slows things down if not

So often -av is a better, faster choice.

I also now often add -HAX after a few "mishaps" ...
-H include hard links
-A include ACLS (extended file permissions)
-X include xattrs

These generally do no harm and occasionally will be essential.

So, in your case *rsync -avHAX* might be appropriate.

One more gotcha... in the source spec for rsync, the trailing / or lack of
it is significant

*rsync -avHAX sda3/home sdb4/home *will copy the home directory itself to
*rsync -avHAX sda3/home/ sdb4/home *will copy the *contents* of the home
directory to sdb4/home

I expect the latter is what you want.

Doing it from a live disk is guaranteed safe, so is preferable. Otherwise,
you can boot in single user or rescue mode and repeat the rsync command a
few times to catch any differences that happen during the first pass.

Good luck!

On 21 July 2015 at 11:51, C Wills <ci...@cewland.uk> wrote:

> Please can anyone confirm the following statement as I've not used rsync
> before.
> sudo rsync -r -a sda3/home sdb4/home
> I'm trying to copy the Home folder (on sda3) containing 2 users onto
> another disc (sdb4) mounted in the same computer (ie not remote).  I want
> to keep all permissions on all files in all directories and sub-directories.
> I think the -r ensures all files are copied, and -a keeps the attributes
> (ownerships ect)
> Partitions are already made on both discs but sdb is not normally mounted
> at start-up.
> Reason is a partial upgrade of the operating system which is on sda1 of
> the first disc.
> Will using rsync take long to move 52Gb of data? (1 or 2 hrs?)
> Is it safe to do this while sda is mounted or should I do it from a live
> disc?
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