
Bit more info below:

On 07/09/15 10:32, TimA wrote:

I connect to local machines (called fleet and golux) using XDMCP (using
Xephyr on a laptop) but am just getting a black screen since upgrading
my laptop to Debian Jessie.

Xephyr -query fleet :1
Xephyr -query golux :1

give black screen.

I can connect to the laptop XDMCP server fine:

Xephyr -query localhost :1


ssh -X fleet xeyes

works fine.

Using Xnest instead of Xephyr make no difference. This was working fine
a few weeks back prior to the laptop upgrade.

No iptables rules.

Logging into fleet or golux from other machines also running Jessie is
also fine so the XDMCP server on fleet/golux is OK.

Does anyone have any advice on debugging this.

Something to do with wireless network connection:

Plugging in wired network cable, ifup eth0 and all works. Thereafter disconnecting cable, ifdown eth0 and retrying XDMCP over wireless again also works.

So some strange networking issue.



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