Hi Terry,

> > The creator of the scope seems quite open about its workings
> > creating a symbolic link to have COM1 access the USB scope in WINE;
> > that's probably an older version of the scope that may have
> > presented a different, serial-port, interface.
> Having spent a bit of time researching this, I have established that
> DPScopeSE (the one I have) is definitely using HID.  The old posts
> referred to the original DPScope, which is now obsolete.

I had an email today from Wolfgang Maichen, the designer of these
scopes.  The picaxe.com PCB-scope is functionally identical to the
DPScope SE, and it does use USB HID, and not the USB virtual serial port
like earlier models.

The protocol is described in
linked from http://www.pdamusician.com/dpscope/downloads_se.html, and
looks pretty simple.

Cheers, Ralph.

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