On Tuesday, 3 May 2016 12:49:52 BST Simon P Smith wrote:
> KWM does support VMware disk image formats but also allows for
> conversion to more efficient storage, example:
>       kvm-img convert -O /qcow2/ /myWinXp.vmdk/ /myWinXp.qcow2 CHeers Si /

Hmmm.  On my machine kvm-img returns 'command not found' and I've been unable 
to find a package that includes it.  I did find this on the internet earlier 

        qemu-img convert -c -p -O qcow2 vmname.vmdk vmname.qcow2

but after I had run it, the VM refused to start.

I have now discovered that the QT qemu launcher (aqemu), also allows for 
importing VMWare images and so I am running it now.

I'll report on the results later (or tonight at the pub) since I'm going out 

        Terry Coles


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