On Tuesday, 2 May 2017 21:45:46 BST Andrew wrote:
> It looks like the real rivers are being monitored in at least two places:
> https://www.riverlevels.uk/river-stour-oakley-wimborne
> https://www.riverlevels.uk/river-allen-colehill-walford-mill
> As a model town I would be tempted to find out how they are doing that
> level monitoring and then make a miniature version in the correct places
> on the model.

Unfortunately, neither of those places are within the are encompassed by the  
model town.

Also, I suspect that the Environment Agency or whoever does the monitoring on 
the real rivers can afford to spend just a little bit more on their sensors 
than we can.

> Is the monitoring just to control the river flow? Does it need to be
> more complicated than a header tank and a valve for each river entry
> point to control the flow rate?

The monitoring has two functions.  Fundamentally it is to control the level of 
water in the in the 'river' (and therefore the flow).  In the past, the river 
has 'flooded' when there has been a lot of rain or when an over enthusiastic 
volunteer forgot to turn the tap off.

The main goal though is water sustainability.  We want to catch rainwater in 
the butts and then pump it in and out of the river automatically, hence the 
need for extensive monitoring.

It has been pointed out that this project is a bit 'over-the-top' for a few 
tens of metres of water channel.  However, when finished, the workings of the 
control system will be made available for visitors to view on a monitor; the 
idea being to enhance the education value of the attraction.

> Once you collect the water at the end of the river it can then be pumped
> up to the header tank until it is full.

That is effectively what we have at the moment, except that there is a sump at 
the bottom of the river system and a bog garden at the top.  Water is pumped 
manually from the sump to the bog garden and the whole thing topped up from 
time to time when water is lost due to leaks and evaporation.

They have no way to combat flooding at present.

> For extra complexity, get the water level of the real rivers from
> wherever the above web site gets its data and adjust the levels of the
> model rivers accordingly...

Now you're pulling my leg :-)


                Terry Coles

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