On Monday, 30 April 2018 14:07:52 BST Graeme Gemmill wrote:
> Terry, I use DAR and DarGUI. Using cron-driven scripts:

I found dar in my Package Manager, but not darGUI.  Are you sure that's what 
it's called?

> complexity, it can be used to create differential backups.  I use it to
> write to a Buffalo Linkstation (why do you want the back-up program to
> run on the NAS box?) .

I don't.  I really want a replacement for sbackup.

Anyway the Netgear Backup tool seems to be a bit brain-dead.  It will allow me 
to select the 'HOME' Share on the remote PC, but not any underlying 
directories as far as I can see.  Worse, there is nothing in the manual that 
would indicate that I can exclude my Downloads, RPi SD Card or VMWare 
directories - a combined total of nearly 100 GB.  I have never kept backups of 
stuff that I can easily download from the Internet, my SDCards are archived 
elsewhere and I know from bitter experience that my VMWare .vmdk files get 
archieved every time they are touched, resulting in tens of copies of multiple 
20 - 30 GB files.

In other words, it's useless for anything other than backing up the 
directories of the average home user.


                Terry Coles

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