Hello Everyone,

I've been having some issues with pol kit and I was hoping some of you 
might be able to answer some of my questions. What I want to do with it 
is allow one of my GUIs to execute a script, which in turns executes 
whatever commands are passed as arguments. I wanted to do this with 
polkit because of the tight security it provides with regards to 
authorisation, and temporarily caching authorisation. I know I'd need to 
be very careful about input sanitising to prevent a security hole - some 
notes about that are below.

However, I've found that auth_admin_keep doesn't work across sessions, 
unless you put it in the "allow_any" key, which I don't want to do - 
it's insecure. I think this is good, but I have no idea if this is how 
it is supposed to behave because I couldn't find any documentation on 
this. Does anyone know why this happens and if it should?

The other issue is that the GUI has to run a lot of different commands, 
some of them repeatedly. I'd like to use auth_admin_keep for some 
subsets of these commands - repeatedly prompting for a password is 
really annoying. However, I'm unsure how to be absolutely sure that the 
GUI is calling pkexec, and that it isn't an attacker / some other 
program. I can check with "ps aux" to see if it is running, but beyond 
that, I'm unable to tell what the parent processes are when pkexec  has 
granted privileges - it seems to hide that information. Is there a way 
I'm supposed to do this?

I know these are fairly in depth questions, and you may not have 
answers, which is fine. Does anyone know where I might be able to ask 
for help on polkit-related issues? They don't seem to have IRC, but they 
do have a development mailing list - probably the wrong place to ask I 

Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty

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