On Wed, 11 Jul 2018 17:14:21 +0100, Terry Coles wrote:
> It's worse than that; I've found that every browser that I've tried
> on every device that I have access to exhibits different behaviours
> with this code:

I think this is just something that happens with captive portals. It's 
not unique to the one you've set up.

Given enough time to detect the captive portal, Windows 7 pops up a 
balloon from the taskbar suggesting that "Additional log on 
information may be required", which opens a browser when clicked.

Captive portals are a bit of a hack, and largely rely on the 
assumption that, if someone wants to use an internet connection, they 
will open a web browser and try to access a website on the internet.

On desktop browsers, if you have a home page that has to be retrieved 
from the internet, then the experience is that the sign-in page will 
appear automatically when your browser tries to load your home page.

For some years, it was easy to get away with assuming that most people 
who wanted to use a WiFi hotspot would open a browser and try to load 
a web page. Then the iPhone happened and suddenly (seemingly) everyone 
wanted to run native phone apps and POP/IMAP mail clients, which would 
(correctly) exhibit error conditions rather than displaying a captive 
portal sign-in page, because they were not web browsers. And so, 
workarounds had to be devised by which devices could detect captive 
portals and display the sign in page to users who might not open a web 
page as soon as they connected to the network.

Almost inevitably, the solutions are not standardised. (And phone and 
tablet OSes have more highly developed solutions than desktop ones.)

> Actually I had problems with the logo, the button text size and the
> background image.
Your button font size was specified in ems. So, it was specified as a 
proportion of the size that it would otherwise have defaulted to if 
you hadn't specified one. Since you hadn't specified any absolute 
sizes that were inherited by the button, the size was relative to the 
default font size for buttons, as chosen by the browser.

This is fairly sensible, provided the browser has a sensible default 
font size. It has the advantage of respecting any custom default font 
size that the end user might have set, which is good for 
accessibility. However, this approach falls down if a browser has a 
stupid default (that wasn't set by the end user).

Which leads me to wonder; could the overflow you're seeing have to do 
with the global font size settings (for menus, etc) on the Android 
device you are using? If this is set larger than default, then perhaps 
the portal sign-in browser respects that and renders everything 
larger, while other browsers ignore this setting.

If the browser is displaying things larger because you have personal 
settings that enlarge things, then you just have to bear in mind that 
that is the enlarged version, not the default, and design it to appear 
enlarged in that browser but "normal" size in the others.

If you are more concerned about whether the buttons fit on the screen 
than whether they respect the user's font size preference, it might 
make more sense to specify the font size in viewport width units (vw). 
That is a design decision more than a technical one. Personally I'd 
try a smaller em size first. (It sounds like that's what you've done.)
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