Hi Clive,

> Printer HP LJ1022 connected to USB port on rear of router (appears no
> communication between units).

Do you mean no Wi-fi communication, only...

> Shows as connected on the TP network diagram as a HP LJ102 (think full
> description too long so truncated).
> Not found any useful info on web.

Me neither.

> Any suggestions please as to what to do, or cli inputs to get further
> info.

You could see what `open ports' the router has when accessed from the
LAN, i.e. what services it is offering.  `ip r' will show its IP address
from your machine as the `default via...'.  Here, where there is no
peripherals connected to the ADSL router, I use nmap(1) with its

    $ sudo nmap
    Host is up (0.0017s latency).
    Not shown: 994 closed ports
    23/tcp   open  telnet
    53/tcp   open  domain
    80/tcp   open  http
    515/tcp  open  printer
    9100/tcp open  jetdirect
    MAC Address: D8:50:E6:B1:FB:84 (Asustek Computer)

What's your say?

Cheers, Ralph.

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