Hi Terry,

On Thu, 14 Mar 2019 13:27:44 +0000, Terry Coles wrote:
> However, this morning I realised that the thing I hadn't tried was
> to create a program to run automatically on boot up of the Pi, run
> minicom and then  and login in the normal way.  Lo and behold,
> there was my executing program!
> So I don't need to disable getty, I just need to do things properly!
>  I can even start minicom when the Pi has been running for some
> time and I can still see what is being written to the screen as my
> program executes; just what I needed!

Could you elaborate on what was involved to 'do things properly'?

I don't think I understand what enabled you to see the output from 
your program after logging in.

I would not expect the output of a running program to appear on a 
terminal without some specific configuration or incantations to tell 
it to do that, especially if you want it to only show up after logging 
in on the terminal. This might be a mistaken assumption on my part.

How does getty trigger this program that started on boot to output on 
the terminal after you log in?


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