NB: Also the licenses for these can be found inside the packages or in 
/usr/share/doc/<pkgname>/copyright if anyone else would benefit from 
this information.


On 14/03/2019 16:55, Hamish MB wrote:
> Ralph,
> I have come to the same conclusion, but that will do just fine for me. I have 
> posted the script here in case anyone else finds it useful.
> The script I ended up using is as follows:
> """
> #!/bin/bash
> RED='\033[0;31m'
> GREEN='\033[0;32m'
> YELLOW='\033[1;33m'
> NC='\033[0m'
> for pkg in $(dpkg --get-selections)
> do
>      component=$(apt-cache policy $pkg | grep "http" | awk '{print $3}')
>      component=$(echo $component | awk '{print $0}')
>      #if [[ $component == *"main" || $component == *"contrib" ]]
>      #then
>      #    echo -e "${YELLOW}$pkg:${NC} ${GREEN}$component${NC}"
>      #
>      #fi
>      if [[ $component == *"non-free" ]]
>      then
>          echo -e "${YELLOW}$pkg:${NC} ${RED}$component${NC}"
>      fi
> done
> """
> It took a while to write this, because I'm not familiar with weird bash 
> syntax, but it seems to work fine, if a bit slowly. Uncomment the commented 
> lines for a readout of other packages too.
> NOTE: The component names are different in Ubuntu and derivatives so it won't 
> work quite right on them, though i can easily be adapted.
> Hamish
> On 14/03/2019 16:18, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> Hi Hamish,
> I was wondering if any of you had found a good way to list all
> installed packages from a particular source (eg the "restricted"
> component) on Debian-based systems? Basically I want to do this so I
> can programmatically check exactly which non-OSS packages are
> installed w/o there being any risk of me missing one, and without
> going through every single package manually.
> I don't think Debian's APT packaging system records where it installed a
> package from.  You can look instead at where that package is available
> now.  Not quite the same thing.  I could be wrong, my main system hasn't
> been APT-based for a while.
> This gives you a start.
>      cd /var/lib/apt/lists &&
>      fgrep -xf <(dpkg-query -Wf 'Package: ${package}\n') *_Packages
> It takes a list of installed packages and looks for the matching lines
> in the indexes of what's available.  That means they're sorted by
> source, which is handy.  The bad news is you get duplicates because some
> packages are available in i386 and amd64.  Also, you need to check that
> every package you have installed has been found, so that command needs
> expanding a little with some more checks.
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