Hi List,

For many years, I had a problem where, after deleting a message from 
an IMAP folder in KMail, or moving a message from one folder to 
another, it would at first appear to be deleted/moved, but then, the 
next time the folder was refreshed to show what was on the server, a 
"ghost" of the removed message would reappear in its original 
location. The ghost could not be viewed or interacted with like a 
normal message. If I logged into the webmail for the affected account, 
the ghost messages would look just like normal messages.

This problem occurred with pretty much any IMAP account from any email 
service provider.

I was going to post to ask advice about this, but I finally figured 
out what the issue is.

In IMAP, it turns out, "delete" just means something like "flag this 
message for deletion during the next expunge", where "expunge" is 
another operation the client can ask to be performed. The "ghost" 
messages I'd been seeing were messages that were marked for deletion 
but not expunged.

In KMail, it seems, the setting I needed was "Automatically compact 
folders (expunges deleted messages)" under the "Advanced" tab of the 
settings for each relevant IMAP account. This causes KMail to expunge 
the deleted messages pretty much straight away, eliminating the ghost 

I would not be surprised if "Automatically compact folders" is the 
default and I mistakenly deselected it at some point.

Hopefully this information will help one or two other KMail users with 
the same problem.


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