On Fri, 31 May 2019 09:02:10 +0100
Ralph Corderoy <ra...@inputplus.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi Tim,
> > certain web sites will crash a web browser,  
> ...
> > PC1 SolydX  
> ...
> > PC2 Xubuntu  
> What graphics device does each PC have?  Something like this may give
> the detail.
>     lspci -knn | sed -n '/VGA/,/^[^\t]/p' | sed \$d
> > Web browsers involved are Firefox, Chrome and Opera all are the
> > current version for the OS they are running on.  
> So, different PCs, different browsers, probably different versions of
> browsers.
> > PC1 had 16gb of memory PC2 has 20gb memory at no time when the crashed
> > happen has memory usage been an issue. These is also 16gb swap file.  
> And plenty of memory.
> > I can watch youtube video's without issue, on PC1 I was able to watch
> > netflix full screen HD without issue, currently watching a youtube
> > video now on PC2 as I write this.  
> Perhaps they're a different format and exercise different hardware,
> e.g. YouTube's videos play with GPU assistance, Facebook's don't.  Do
> your distros need extra packages to support proprietary formats?
> > Running a video on either FB or TW will normally bring on a browser
> > crash.  
> What if you download a Twitter video with youtube-dl(1) and then play
> it, e.g. with mpv(1).  The same video that reliably causes a crash.
> youtube-dl's -F option lists the formats available for selecting
> with -f.
> > What I find is that one of the cores will start to run at 100% and
> > then this will then swap between cores until either one of the tabs
> > crash or the entire browser crashes.  
> Sounds like a software bug, and the common software between all those
> things could be the Javascript from the site, the Javascript interpreter
> used by the browsers, the graphics driver trying to render what's been
> asked.

Thanks to Ralph and Stephen for their information, here where we currently are.

Ralph asked what the Graphic Device was, Both PC were\are using the same 
graphic card, GeForce
GT730. On SolydX it was using one of the Nvidia driver (cant remember which 
version) I tried to
update to the latest 418 version and it failed and at that point seemed to make 
the issues I was
having worse.

On Xubuntu I started with the X.Org Nouveau drivers, which caused the same 
issue as I was seeing
on SolydX. I then tried the update to the latest 418 version adn with Xubuntu 
the system ran and
not only ran, all the issues I had disappeared.

I have now been running for about 48hours without issue (well issue as in those 
I reported, have
plenty of others that I will post about later). 

Looking back at thinks now it seems that something started the issue off on 
SolydX, trying to
upgrade the the latest nvidia drivers did not improve the issue. Trying Xubuntu 
and deciding to
try NouVeau driver (due to the issues with previous drivers) were the caused of 
the problem.

Thanks to Stephen, I am trying the Brave broswer, looking good at the moment. 

I will be posting shortly with a couple of other issues.


Tim H 

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