On Sat, 06 Jul 2019 09:33:15 +0100, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> Well, I was wondering how it could be done and like solving the
> puzzle; keeps my hand in.

A good habit, for sure.

> The university used to have staff and students interested in Unix
> and ran Solaris or a descendant so there could be quite a few good
> books from those times.

I remember (or misremember) seeing a publicity shot of a Solaris lab 
at the university, probably about ten years ago. The lab was bathed in 
golden yellow light, which seems appropriate if the photo was taken in 
its sunset years. (And also because it was Sun.)

I think they had labs of PCs dual-booting Linux and Windows when I 
attended an open day a few years ago, and a room with all the walls 
decorated with shell scripts, penguins and the like.

Thank you for yet more book recommendations.


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