It's a standard size (3.5"?) disk out of a Humax 9150T which I seem to remember 
has a proprietary format and is Western Digital WD1600AVVS HDD 160GB. I think the 
AVVS nomenclature means that it is specially for video security systems or something 
like that.

On 26/02/2020 21:30, Bob Dunlop wrote:

An idea of which Humax model might have been useful.

My Humax Foxsat HDR had a fairly conventional partition table and
layout for a linux box.  The notes from when I upgraded 300G to
1.5TB said the original was partitioned as follows:

   /dev/sdb1    2G ext3
     /      745920 bytes    Recording reservation list.

   /dev/sdb2    99M ext3
     /fsatepg/epg.dat   4413676 bytes   Program guide data.

   /dev/sdb3    267G ext3
     /Movie/            empty
     /Video/            Video streams

   /dev/sdb4    25G ext3
     /Music/            empty
     /Photo/            empty

I think you need to add the sparse_super and large_file flags when
creating the filesystems but otherwise it was standard.

Maybe the later models have a reserved boot space that needs to be
skipped ?

On Wed, Feb 26 at 05:14, PeterMerchant via dorset wrote:
Hi all, On tuesday I hope to remember to bring along a hard disk from my PVR. 
it is formatted in a manner that I can't read except with the Humaxrw utility 
in windows. If someone has a SATA connection device?? I'll be interested to see 
if there is any way you guys can devise to read it.

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