On Monday, 23 March 2020 16:47:37 GMT Tim Waugh wrote:
> In case you haven't seen stories about this elsewhere, I thought I'd share
> a couple of projects which may help us all out of this mess by harnessing
> otherwise-idle CPU/GPU time.
> https://foldingathome.org/covid19/
> http://boinc.bakerlab.org/rosetta/
> I'm running the folding@home client in a Docker container on the
> Linux-based microserver I have at home, using this Dockerfile:
> https://github.com/RedHat-EMEA-SSA-Team/fahclient-container
> You can 'docker run' it with '-p 7396:7396' to be able to see its (simple)
> web interface.


I have three PCs here which could run either of these tools; one Linux 
desktop, one Windows Gaming Machine and one Windows Laptop, now sadly slowly 
dying from mechanical failures.

However, only one of these machines could possibly be run 24/7 and 
unfortunately that's the ancient laptop.  The other two are in bedrooms.  What 
happens to the calculations with these tools if the host is shut-down for the 
night?  Is everything lost, only the current calculation lost or do they cache 
the partial result and carry on from there?

I control two of the above machines and although the gaming one belongs to my 
son, I should be able to persuade him to run one or the other of the tools, 
since AIUI, they don't use CPU cycles when the machine is actually being used.

I did a search of the FAQs on both sites but couldn't find the answer to the 
shutdown question.

BTW.  What are the benefits of running these tools in a container as opposed to 
just installing them?


                Terry Coles

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