Hi Terry,

> We touched on this last night

I missed that.  :-)

> I have set 'Use at most 100% of the CPUs' and 'Use at most 75% of CPU
> time'.
> http://hadrian-way.co.uk/Misc/BOINC_Tasks_and_Process_Table.png
> The CPU usage never gets to any value that can be correlated with 75%
> utilisation.  Basically it flips between 6% and 12% every second or
> so.

The eight rosetta processes are shown at 6%.
    8 * 6 = 48%
which is what's shown against their parent boinc.  If you say they're
doubling to 12% then
    8 * 12 = 96%
and flipping back and forth between the two at a regular equal interval
will be an arithmetic mean near the 75% target?

Cheers, Ralph.

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