On Sunday, 26 April 2020 15:01:39 BST aidangcole--- via dorset wrote:
> If that were me, and I was that troubled by it, then I'd set a snap
> refresh to run on startup or delayed startup, and then hand the machine
> back to the user and forget about it

Sorry to keep harping on about this, but the average non-technical user 
wouldn't have a clue how to do that.

This isn't about me, it's about people like my wife, who prefer to run Linux 
because it is more secure than Windows, but don't know one end of a bash shell 
from the other, let alone a cron job.

Anyway.  Since I last posted, I've established that the version of Chromium 
that was on the laptop was released in early December, so even though (until 
recently) I was often using it for several hours at a time (such as at a LUG 
Meeting (when we still had them) it never caught a refresh.

I really think that the snap developers haven't thought of this so unless 
someone can come up with a logical explanation why *my* particular laptop 
isn't updating, other than what I've suggested, I'll probably raise a bug 
report on Launchpad.

(I did do a search but couldn't find a bug that resembled this.)


                Terry Coles

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