Hi Terry,

> So if I've understood what you are saying correctly, it's the for loop that's 
> out of range and not the image (as such).  It simply keeps looping round 
> until 
> it gets to 128 and if there are no more pixels after 95 it barfs?


> >    289      Pixels = Image.load()

I'm assuming you're using PIL, or something similar.
load() returns an object which supports two-dimensional indexing to
retrieve pixel values; see

If it's not PIL, it may be Pillow, a later fork.

I think it's the implementation of the 2D indexing which is giving you
the ‘image index out of range’ exception string.  It's not referring to
a variable called ‘image’.

Another option is to use your image-loading library to manipulate the
loaded image to fit within 128×128 rather than mess with Gimp, which is
presumably GUI clicking.

Something like

    pic = Image.open('big.png')
    pic.thumbnail((128, 128), Image.ANTIALIAS)
    tv = pic.convert('P', palette=ADAPTIVE, colors=16)

Then try passsing tv to OLED_ShowImage().  Hopefully, its tv.load() will
be a no-op as nothing needs loading.

Cheers, Ralph.

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