Hello Hamish,

> > > Now I just have to work out why updatedb.conf(5)'s
> > > PRUNE_BIND_MOUNTS doesn't seem to have an effect.  :-)
> >
> > Because it's buggy and doesn't work.  It's been known about for many
> > years and not fixed or documented.  :-(
> >
> >     https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=723279
> >     https://pagure.io/mlocate/issue/23
> Out of interest, what do you need that option/feature for?

The root filesystem is low on space.  Another filesystem isn't so some
large directories, e.g. /usr/share, have been moved to that other
filesystem as /data/usr-share and then bind-mounted onto /usr/share so
nothing knows the difference.

It's similar to using a symbolic link but without everything traversing
/usr/share/... having to follow the link, or deciding not to because
they don't follow symlinks.

The symptom, now sorted, is locate(1) returns an entry twice because
updatedb(8) wanders where I'd rather it didn't.

    $ locate magic.mgc

Cheers, Ralph.

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