On Friday, 8 January 2021 15:26:33 GMT Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty wrote:
> In case anyone's interested, replacing the heatpipe for my laptop did
> fix the issue, it runs much cooler and can now continually boost even
> when under full load for several minutes, rather than thermal throttling.

I wasn't aware that you had a cooling issue on your laptop; perhaps you raised 
it after I went to bed on Tuesday?

Anyway, years ago I ran a project to develop a military test set based on a 
rugged laptop.  We replaced the heat pipes in that with longer ones and one of 
the suppliers explained how they work.  Apparently it is not uncommon for the 
pipe to leak allowing the partial vacuum to fill and the vaporisation process 
to stop.

Just in case you didn't know :-)


                Terry Coles

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