On 21/01/2021 16:23, Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty wrote:
On 21/01/2021 12:59, Tim Waugh wrote:

Here's the latest about this:



Oh that looks really good, thank you for sharing :) Makes me feel quite
a lot better about the whole thing.

Dunno, I think it's just in Red Hat's corporate culture to monetise their 
stable offerings while keeping the free distros more or less bleeding edge 
(they are after all a business). I remember, with the EOL of RH9 back in 2004, 
asking on the list whether to move to Fedora or Debian; ended up switching to 
Debian. So I'd wonder how long this new RHEL offering will last. There's Rocky 
Linux on the horizon, but could that go the same way as Centos in a few years?


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