On Tue, 26 Jan 2021 14:42:22 +0000, Terry Coles wrote:
> Oh.  OK.  I understand that is the code the Flask method and not the
> code for  the Flask Development Server, but surely it's the server
> that sets the cookie?

The term 'server' can become a bit muddled here. If you look at it 
from a browser or HTTP protocol point of view, then the web server and 
any frameworks that run in it or alongside it, and any code you write 
that runs in the framework, are taken together to comprise a server.

That is how I meant the word "server" in my previous response to this 
thread, when I said as much as it was the server's prerogative to 
decide whether a session cookie corresponded to a valid session.

If I look at it that way, then I can say "yes, the server sets the 

But that doesn't answer your question, because I think you are looking 
at it from a more server-internal point of view, where Flask, and the 
Flask code you write, is treated as being a separate thing and not as 
part of the 'server'. I would say that this is a valid way to use the 
word 'server'.

Looking at it that way, then I would say that, yes, the server sets 
the cookie, but that is only half the story, because Flask and your 
code can be the reason why the server ends up setting a cookie. If you 
were having Flask manage sessions for you, then it would be Flask 
telling the server to set a cookie.

But Ralph is right; the code for flask-httpauth doesn't appear to use 
sessions or cookies in its implementation of HTTPBasicAuth. So, the 
fact that clearing browsing data seemed to clear the active log-in has 
probably been a bit of a red herring, and I have been guilty of being 
insufficiently curious.

I am now given to assume that Chromium is caching the authentication 
credentials in a manner that survives browser restarts, or perhaps 
Chromium is not really being fully shut down when you close the 
browser, and that is why the authentication persists.

Maybe when you cleared the browsing data, it was not the clearing of 
the cookies but the clearing the cache(s) that de-authenticated you.

Sorry for any confusion I may have injected.


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