On 02/02/2021 12:18, Terry Coles wrote:
> All,
> The next Online Meeting is tonight at 8 pm using Jitsi.
> Simply click on the following link and you will be taken to the Meeting 
> using your default browser:
> https://meet.jit.si/dorset-lug
> Chrome or Chromium are probably better than Firefox for using Jitsi.  An 
> alternative to installing one of those two is to obtain it bundled especially 
> for Jitsi from:
> https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet-electron/releases
> This should be as simple as
>     wget -q https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet-electron/releases/download/
> v2.4.2/jitsi-meet-x86_64.AppImage
>     chmod +x jitsi-meet-x86_64.AppImage
>     ./jitsi-meet-x86_64.AppImage
> and then entering ‘dorset-lug’ as the meeting ID.
> Hope to see you all this evening.

I'll be there but will probably be a bit late as I am talking to my
tutor for the dissertation module at 7:30.


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  Next meeting: Online, Jitsi, Tuesday, 2021-02-02 20:00
  Check to whom you are replying
  Meetings, mailing list, IRC, ...  http://dorset.lug.org.uk
  New thread, don't hijack:  mailto:dorset@mailman.lug.org.uk

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