
Mike's Electric Stuff: Lots of interesting poking about bits of
electrical equipment from Mike Harrison, who some may know from the
Acorn Archimedes where he designed things like the video digitiser
‘podule’ sold by Watford Electronics.  http://www.electricstuff.co.uk

He has a YouTube channel too, linked from there, which includes things
like a tear-down of a Roche 454 GS FLX+ DNA genome sequencer.

And he still makes and sells boards and products at
http://www.whitewing.co.uk, e.g. his Etherdecode which turns a
100 Mbit/s Ethernet signal into parallel signals for a logic analyser.
He's thinking of doing a USB equivalent.

Fear, uncertainty, and doubt: The tactic has widely been used by
Microsoft Corporation against Linux operating systems since the 1990s.

Social media censors science:
    ‘Kulldorff, Heneghan and Jefferson are not snarling conspiracy
     theorists or bluffers wading into things they don’t understand.
     They are dissenting scientists and medics who hold positions at
     esteemed institutions.  On what basis could Facebook or Twitter
     simply declare their arguments null and void?’

Retired NHS pathologist Dr John Lee criticises the Government's response
to the pandemic, analyses why proven scientific procedures were
abandoned, makes the case for ending Lockdown now, highlights the
cancelling of critical scientific debate, etc.  Google originally took
the video off YouTube but had to reinstate its heresy.

   ‘John Andre Lee (born 1961) is a retired English pathologist who
    was formerly clinical professor of pathology at Hull York Medical
    School and consultant histopathologist at Rotherham General Hospital,
    later becoming the Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust's Director of Cancer
    Services.’ ― https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Lee_(pathologist)

   ‘He gained a PhD in pathophysiology and is a Fellow of Royal
    College of Pathologists and of the Institute of Biology...
    He wrote a monthly column for The Lancet Oncology for 5 years.
    Among many other roles, he has served as Director of Publications
    for the Royal College of Pathologists, a member of Council of
    the Physiological Society, Chairman of the Editorial Board of
    Biologist, and on the Editorial Board of Physiology News.’
    ― https://humanism.org.uk/about/our-people/patrons/professor-john-a-lee/

UK domain holders pay Nominet through registrars, many of which aren't
happy by the board actions over the past few years and they've been
trying to oust the board after their concerns were ignored.

And this one was from IRC the morning after the meeting...

A board which turns a Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 into a mini-ITX
‘motherboard’ suitable for a normal case.  Of particular interest is
exposing the module's PCIe which isn't available on the stock Pi 4.
The status updates mention an M.2 NVMe socket is being added as one of
the ways to use it, e.g. for SSD storage.

There's quite a few boards being made to host the Compute Module 4,
e.g. one with four SATA ports IIRC.  For those who don't know, the CM4
comes in 32 varieties.

      2  Wi-Fi or not
    × 4  RAM:  1/2/4/8 GiB
    × 4  Storage:  SD card/eMMC 8/16/32 GiB


Here's another two projects which make use of the PCIe on the CM which
is not available on the Pi 4.

- Four SATA connectors on PCIe.  Handy for a home NAS.

- A board with gives the normal connections to a Compute Module 4 but
  with PCIe too.  Could be used for a single PCIe SSD.  Unfortunately,
  they've dropped the Ethernet connector, stopping it being a nice home
  PC.  https://www.crowdsupply.com/diodes-delight/piunora

Cheers, Ralph.

  Next meeting: Online, Jitsi, Tuesday, 2021-06-01 20:00
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