On Fri, 28 May 2021 12:17:38 +0100, Terry Coles wrote:
> I'm coming to believe that I can only capture packets between two
> devices on a  network if I am actually running the tool from a
> device on that network rather than from a remote device over
> VPN.  None of the Pis on the WMT network are running X.
> I could of course run wireshark from the command line on one of the
> devices on  the WMT network, so I'm wondering if Smokeping somehow
> gets round the problem and allows me to monitor data from my PC.

The thing to bear in mind is that networks tend to avoid sending 
packets where they are not needed. Switches do that based on MAC 
addresses and routers do it based on IP addresses. (Things like VPN 
servers, VPN clients, and some WiFi access points can also be regarded 
as routers if you look at them through this lens.)

In principle you could reconfigure the network to send all the packets 
via your home computer, and capture them that way, but you don't want 
to do that.

Is there any reason why you can't just log the output of your ping 
script into a file? That should give you all the information you're 
looking for.

Alternatively, capturing packets on the Pi should work.

tcpdump seems to be the usual command for capturing packets without a 
GUI. (If I remember correctly, the name is misleading and it isn't 
limited to just TCP.)

Wireshark can open tcpdump capture files if you prefer to review them 
using a GUI.


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