On 31/07/2021 11:05, Keith Edmunds wrote:
On Sat, 31 Jul 2021 10:31:41 +0100, zir...@xendistar.co.uk said:

I have been trawling through an old MySQL database and as it archived
Archive Manager was using Xed to look at the file
What format is the file? (Hint: at command line, type 'file filename')

Once unarchived it is a .sql file, although I have found I can now open the file directly in mousepad which for some reason it would not let me earlier

In the end I did a simple CTRL-A of the whole data base and then copied
and pasted it into Mousepad
Presumably you selected the whole of the database dump file rather than
the database?

It was a table dump I copy and pasted

Was it faster pasting it into Mousepad simply because I had copied the
text out and into Mouse pad and xed was dealing all the SQL stuff.
I've never used (or even heard of) Xed before today, but it doesn't seem
to deal with SQL. Do you mean syntax highlighting? If so, it's possible -
syntax highlighting will have a processing overhead, although I don't know
how efficient Xed is at doing that.

Some editors (eg, vim) will only process syntax for what's displayed;
others will parse the whole file. The latter approach will clearly be
slower on initial load, but faster to scroll.

How big is the dump file?

Quite small, the gzip file is only 1.5mb

The SQL file is from a blog which I broke when I moved hosts, so I am just dragging the raw blog text to rebuild the pages, I have all the text for the pages now just have to tidy it (remove HTML) then I can report, I have recovered and reposted about 80% of the posts already, just this last lot to do.

I have never heard of Xed, looks like it a stand alone program and not bundled with archive manager, just seemed very strange for one text editor to struggle handling the .sql file while another was happy to handle it.

Tim H

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