On Fri, 27 Aug 2021 14:02:19 +0100, PeterMerchant wrote:
> Patrick, I am most grateful for your comments. You obviously know a
> lot more about MQTT than I.

I wouldn't say I know a lot about MQTT, and I did not mean to imply 
that I do. I have a fairly basic high-level understanding of it, but 
I've forgotten most of the lower-level details I previously had a 
light grasp of!

I haven't looked at paho-mqtt or Arduino MQTT before, so for my own 
understanding I had to go back over the basics that you are probably 
used to dealing with. I may well have learnt more from trying to find 
the problem in your code than you will have learnt from me!

I didn't want to make any assumptions about what kind of data your 
system was sending and how it was packaging it up and unpackaging it, 
because there is potentially more than one MQTT client library for 
Python, and there is certainly more than one way to encode an MQTT 

For example, some people might use Google's Protocol Buffers or 
another serialisation scheme to encode program objects into bytes and 
then stuff those into an MQTT payload. Others might define a scheme of 
their own. In your case, it is ASCII text (a perfectly valid option).

Just in case it was unclear to anyone: when I said the payload is 
bytes, rather than a text string, what I meant was that it is not a 
Python text string object, and MQTT does not require it to encode a 
text string. However, in this particular program it does encode an 
ASCII text string, so in that sense it IS very much a text string, and 
Python makes it easy to treat it as one.


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