On Tuesday, 7 June 2022 18:49:05 BST Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty wrote:
> Ah, I'm sorry to hear that. I wonder if using headphones might help when
> that happens, or just in general if there's background noise. I guess
> you might have tried that and found it uncomfortable, which is fair enough.

I don't think headphones would help because I'm almost completely deaf in a 
quiet room.  Since the only extraneous noise would be from the headphones, 
they might even make it worse.  :-)

> The only thing in particular I wanted to tell you was that I've done my
> exam now, and it went well, so I should be able to get some more WMT
> stuff done this week.

How do you think the exam went?


                Terry Coles

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