On Saturday, 9 July 2022 09:53:31 BST Peter Merchant wrote:
> I borrowed an electricity power meter  for a few days and went around the
> house measuring everything. A couple of interesting discoveries:

I have one permanently connected to the tails from my Solar Panels.

> Total standby power of devices in the house  = 28.5 watts  This is sort of 
> invalid because the monitors on my 2 tower PC's are on a switch that turns
> them off when the PC is off so their standby power is less then. Also the
> meter seemed to register in increments of 0.5 watts.

When the sun has gone down, my Solar Panels show a consumption of 57 W.  I 
don't believe for one moment that the panels work at night (it's pretty much 
always the same regardless of the level of light for street lights or the 
moon), so that is consumption just to keep the inverter alive.

I'm not too concerned; when the sun is out (as now) I get in excess of 3.5 kW 
fed into the grid.  My current Return on Investment is just under 190% on an 
investment of £12149 made just under 11 years ago!


                Terry Coles

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