On 24/07/2022 19:19, Martin Halford wrote:
Living in South Somerset it's difficult for me to travel to Bournemouth, so I've thought about setting up a Somerset LUG centred on Yeovil where there are some engineering and technology companies. One of the requirements from lug.org.uk is to have consulted neighbouring groups to find out if there is interest, hence my post here. I'll need to be able to demonstrate that there is a starter group of members, so if there's anyone else in Somerset or nearby in a similar position to myself please let me know.


Martin Halford

Hi Martin

Might be worth posting this on the Hampshire LUG List and any of the other surrounding counties if they have a lug. There used to be a list of lug but I can find it, maybe Ralph or one of the other will know where to find the list. Unfortunately I Live in Dorset so would never make it to a Somerset meeting, but then again it been many a year since I made it to a Dorset meeting


Tim H

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