Thanks or that Hugh. No wonder I am confused.

Gramps genealogical program is moving over to Discourse from the email system, 
which is the one that I mentioned last night having problems getting on to.

Peter M.

On 06/09/2022 23:31, Hugh Frater wrote:
We were referring to discord, the irc like chat environment/app.

Discourse is also a thing, it’s more like a modern version of a typical forum. 
A few projects I interact with use it and it’s ok. I do prefer xenforo for 
forums though.


On Tue, 6 Sep 2022 at 22:00, Peter Merchant <> wrote:

    The two words have different meanings!

    One of the reasons for using discourse that was touted to me was the 
ability to have attachments in communications.

    But I do like filtering my LUG emails off to a DLUG folder, and then having 
the 'laddered' responses.



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