If you have an older kernel on your system boot using that to make sure
its not a kernel issue
Tim H
On 11/12/2022 12:55, Peter Merchant wrote:
If I leave my Kubuntu 20.04 for awhile, I have usually left
Thunderbird and Vivaldi up, and when I come back and try and do
something the computer goes off into never-never land, the screen
goes blank, and I can hear the HD crunching, and it needs the power
button hold down to shut it down.
I think that this has happened after a boot up, if I have left it for
awhile and I hit T'bird and Vivaldi one after the other to bring them
Any thoughts on where I should look to track this problem?
I am tempted to bleachbit the computer, or to replace Vivaldi with
Opera on the offchance that Vivaldi is the cause.
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