
Thanks for this.

On 01/01/2023 11:49, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
The message says:
    ‘You need to specify a package or a PID...’

I think it's right given

     Type Alt+F2 and type ubuntu-bug <package name>

Also see ‘Reporting non-crash hardware and desktop application bugs’
which covers running processes.

If you don't give ubuntu-bug any arguments then you have limited
choices, as you've found.

Hmmm.  I missed that bit.  However, I still found it difficult to get to the reporting page.  I tried 'ubuntu-bug kde', 'ubuntu-bug klipper' and 'ubuntu-bug widget, but they are clearly not actual packages because I got an error.  I then tried 'ubuntu-bug -w', which puts up a dialog telling the user to click on the open package, but was unable to find the right window to click on.

I then tried searching through the installed packages (it took ages) and managed to get past the first hurdle using 'ubuntu-bug kde-full'.  Here we are encouraged to go to Ubuntu Answers to ask a question; and that is what I have done.

Terry Coles

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