Hi Sandie,

On 17/02/2023 16:07, Sandie via dorset wrote:
The install has not found the web cam! I tested the camera in the shop before I bought the computer. On the Windows system it worked well.

Application Cheese came installed on Ubuntu 22 but it couldn't see a camera so I uninstalled it. I have reinstalled, uninstalled quite a few times. There are 2 versions of Cheese on offer in the Ubuntu software menu. I tried both several times.  Then I tried & installed an application called Cameratrls? It found a camera named 0 & worked not too well on one zoom call. Now it too has failed.

I tried a little bit of commanding on terminal, from tips I found searching for help. However some permission/s were denied.

I can't really offer much advice other than my own experience with Kubuntu 22.10, which I related earlier on this list with regard to another issue.

I've been in the habit of upgrading to the latest version as soon as it is available and I duly upgrade 22.04 to 22.10 at the end of last year.  I didn't notice it at first, but I lost the klipper icon in the task bar and after some experimenting I did a clean install of 22.10 (retaining my home partition, which didn't actually fix the problem, but that's another story).   Anyway I too was unable to access my webcam.  However, this came back after I had installed cheese.

I see that you have tried cheese, so this is clearly not too much help, but I suspect that 22.10 had a bug (amongst others) relating to the camera driver, so maybe you need to visit the Launchpad site to see if there is anything relevant to your particular problem.  A quick search using the term 'webcam' came up with a confirmed bug:


Best of luck.

Terry Coles

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