On 05/03/2023 08:41, Peter Merchant wrote:
Hi Terry, I seem to remember you commenting on doing this, or maybe it was a different upgrade.  Do you remember having any problems? You must have or you wouldn't have commented.

Yes.  I did have problems; all associated with Activities, so if you don't use them you should probably be alright.  The problem manifested itself in a number of ways, all of which appeared to be related to remembering changes to the Desktop.  I posted bug reports; at Launchpad - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-desktop/+bug/2001887 and KDE Bugs - https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=463922. Neither of these reports resulted in any suggestions and the bug wasn't picked up by either team.

However, I subsequently installed the Kubuntu KDE Backports repository which fixed the original problem (relating to Klipper), but not the one which failed to remember where I had put things.

I believe that you can't jump a year but have to go through the iterations  from 20.04 to 21.04 to 22.04?  By the time I have done that 23.04 should be available!

That is true, but if you are going to do that and the bug that I reported affects you, then you may be better to wait for 23.04 to be released before you make a start on this.  If you look at my comments against the bug reports you will see that I resorted to a clean installation of 22.04 and the bug was present there too (I retained my /home partition).  It seems that once the erroneous data has been written to the config file it's there forever.

If you have a good backup of your /home directory/partition and can do a clean install of 23.04 you should be fine.  If you install the Synaptic Package Manager you can get it to generate a Package Download script to re-install all of the packages that you currently have.

Terry Coles

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