Have you tried Gnome Boxes? It's user-friendly Gnome UI for the
'native' virtualization which uses libvirtd and kvm (or qemu if
emulating another architecture).

Or, for more options and configurables, use virt-manager which is
libvirtd's own UI.


On Thu, 28 Dec 2023 at 07:44, Terry Coles <d-...@hadrian-way.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> Many moons ago, I installed a copy of Windows 10 under Virtual Box so
> that I could access the Satnav that I had at the time.  My latest Satnav
> is connected to the WiFi network and doesn't need a third-party OS, so I
> stopped using Windows.
> My wife received a Loklik Craft Cutter for Christmas, which is supposed
> to be accessible from iOS, Android,  MacOS or Windows. Neither of the
> Mobile Apps work because (I believe) of a parsing error in the code to
> register the supplied Idea Studio Software. This was last updated just
> before Christmas, and I suspect that's where the bug was introduced.
> I therefore resurrected my old Windows installation in Vbox and
> successfully installed and the registered the software.  However, I
> can't get it to work, I think because the image that is being used dates
> back to 2021 and so is missing a lot of updates.  When I try to update
> it, the machine locks up and when I suppress the updates, it still
> doesn't work because I can't get the Bluetooth connection to show up in
> the guest.
> My next thought was to start again from scratch and install a brand new
> VM using the original Windows installation media. However, before I do
> that, I'd like to consider alternatives to Virtual Box.  I originally
> used VMWare (many moons ago), but moved over to Virtual Box when
> (K)Ubuntu started packaging in their repositories.  However, both of
> these tools have always given me grief with USB support, and it has been
> necessary to install 'Guest Additions' packs to get this to work.  Even
> then it's a pain
> Can anyone recommend an alternative?
> --
> Terry Coles
> --
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