Bit negative..   [ sorry about the narrow columns]

Our data centres were nearly seized by hackers – and nobody noticed

The utopian, high-trust nature of open source is no longer safe in an 
increasingly divided world

Imagine this plot for a movie.

Somewhere in Nebraska lives a lonely, overworked and anxious man, who we shall 
call Hank. Between feeding his cat, dealing with mental health issues and 
sorting out his mother’s medical prescriptions, Hank also looks after some 
computer code.

Hank isn’t paid to do that – he’s a volunteer. But mistakes happen, and an oversight 
by Hank leads toChina taking control of the free world’s IT systems 
 capturing our biggest cloud data centres and paralysing the G7’s economies.

Too far-fetched? Well, think again as such an attack just took place – and very 
nearly succeeded.

A week ago, an audacious attempt to place a backdoor into the systems used by 
major cloud companies, and millions of businesses that depend on them, was 

The malicious code allows an outsider to take control of these systems, and 
hackers very nearly pulled it off by taking advantage of an unpaid legion of 
lone volunteer coders, like Hank.

Hank is the start of a very long but critical supply chain that few ever 

Today, much of our enterprise and government computing is done in giant cloud 
data centres, and around 90pc of these use free, largely volunteer-run, open 
source Linux systems.

The code is open, allowing anyone to inspect and submit code.This is the utopian 
model mimicked by Wikipedia 
 But it means a great deal of the coding effort remains voluntary and in the hands of 
individual code “maintainers” like Hank.Over two years, attackers carefully took 
control of one of the crucial nuts and bolts of a Linux system: a compression library 
that zips and unzips files, and is used thousands of times a day in data centres.

XZ Utils was originally developed by Lasse Collin in 2005, and he has looked 
after it ever since. In 2021, Collin began to receive contributions over the 
internet from someone calling himself “Jia Tan”. At first, these seemed like 
helpful and innocuous bug fixes – but all this later changed as the mysterious 
Mr Tan began to take increasing control.

Then on March 28, a Microsoft developer called Andres Freund discovered 
something astonishing. The tiny library that Collin maintained now contained a 
secret backdoor that stemmed from the code patches that Mr Tan had submitted – 
crucially allowing an attacker to take full control of the entire system 
without anyone realising.

The backdoor had already been distributed globally, and in the coming weeks and 
months would have reached many data centres too, becoming a part of our 
critical infrastructure.

“I’m surprised it’s taken this long for this kind of attack to be mounted”, 
says Tim Mackey, head of software supply chain risk strategy at the silicon 
design company Synopsys. “This may turn out to be a template for a new kind of 
social engineering.”

These gambits are called supply chain attacks. The SolarWinds hack in 2020, 
which injected backdoor malware into at least 18,000 customers, including the 
US government, was another. Its discovery prompted President Biden to issue an 
executive order. But unlike SolarWinds, this one was carefully designed to 
target the social and perhaps even personal vulnerabilities of the open-source 

“Keep in mind this was an unpaid hobby project,” said Collin on a mailing list.

It seems extraordinary that our economies rely so much on contributions from 
individual volunteers. How can so much economic value balance so precariously 
on something so fragile? Google and Amazon are among the biggest companies in 
the world, and the cloud computing market was worth almost half a trillion 
dollars in 2023, but critical parts still rely on unpaid volunteers.

Almost a quarter of open source projects had just one developer accounting for 
more than 80pc of the code, a study by Harvard Business School for the Linux 
Foundation found in 2023. Most had fewer than 10. “These findings are counter 
to the typically held belief that thousands or millions of developers are 
responsible for developing and maintaining [open source] projects,” the 
researchers wrote.

Malware and spyware are constantly being uploaded to these code libraries, says 
Feross Aboukhadijeh, founder of security startup Socket. Code checkers had 
failed to pick up the XZ backdoor, as it was so well disguised.

Around 10 years ago, vital encryption code used in every e-commerce transaction 
was compromised.

The unfunded OpenSSL project that was responsible only received around $2,000 
in donations each year. However, a subsequent increase in funding allowed it to 
take on paid staff.

Despite this, Synopsys’ Mackay explains that code maintenance isn’t considered 
sexy therefore it’s difficult to get a bright graduate interested.

All of this poses a unique challenge for governments, many of which are busily 
trying to remove malevolent influence from their telecoms networks.

Open source is a vital part of our infrastructure – but it’s also a high-trust 
model in an increasingly low-trust world. Perhaps we should start looking at 
how the sausage is made.
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