So I turned everything off, unplugged the USB Harddrive, started the laptop up, came up with the welcome to Grub screen then gave the option of the disto on the internal hard disk or the distro on the external, I choose the internal install and it loaded without an issue.

So I have done a little checking, I have looked at /boot/grub/grub.cfg and there is no "menuentry" for the LINUX MINT DEBIAN EDITION (LMDE), there are 3 entries for the Linux Mint XFCE edition and it waits about 4 seconds before booting into Linux Mint XFCE. But having said that if I check /etc/default/grub the GRUB_TIMEOUT=0 which means it is automatic load, which would be right as previously before installing LMDE and setting it to install grub on SDA Linux Mint loaded with out any sign for grub which would be right for GRUB_TIMEOUT=0 from what I understand.

I did try running grub-emu which is supposed to display the menu list which said that the file could not be found (bear in mind that dev/sdc where LMDE was installed, is currently unplugged)

The version of grub installed is 2.06-2ubuntu7.2 which is the same reported installed in Synaptic (apt gui)  on Linux Mint XFCE which is the installed distro on the laptop ssd, I was testing, Linux Mint Debian Edition (LMDE) which was installed on the external disk

So it looks like there is some Grub installed else where but is not stopping me from booting the installed Linux Mint XFCE



On 06/05/2024 17:15, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
Hi Tim,

So how do I confirm if I did install grub onto dev/sda for the
installed day to day distro.
My guess:

- Turn everything off.
- Unplug the external USB drive.
- Turn the PC on.
- Expect GRUB to appear, offering your old installation.
- Select it.
- See if it boots it successfully.

Once I have that information how do I go about updating Grub so I can
remove the distro I was testing and just leave the day to day distro
That may depend on the style of GRUB installation set up by the
distribution.  If you have a /boot/grub/grub.cfg then that will have
‘menuentry { ... }’ entries matching what you see.

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