I encourage you to submit papers and tutorial ideas based on your work
with the CLR/CLI and .NET Framework.

In the future I will forward calls for papers for conferences such as
PLDI, POPL, CC as soon as they are announced.

Mark Lewin
Microsoft Research


* PLDI 2003 Submission Deadline Approaches
  URL: http://www.cs.arizona.edu/PLDI2003

     Dear Colleague:

     PLDI 2003 will be at FCRC in San Diego.

     The deadline for paper submissions to PLDI 2003 is Friday, 15 Nov
     To submit a paper please follow the directions found at the PLDI

     Following standard SIGPLAN practice, the deadline is firm.

     Also, if you have ideas about tutorials you would like to see at
     PLDI 2003, please send those to Wilson Hsieh: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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