
Thanks again for your example, yes I have read about the one in your
book, a clever example that you gave with the compiled code + manual il
This is one of my interests in ilasm in general, because I would like
to try some of that.

Then if I may summarize :

Augmentation is not part of the ECMA standard, but can be used as a
non-standard extension to it. The standard does not cover the amount of
times a class may occur in a file, just the syntax of a class once

Please excuse my ignorance.


--- Serge Lidin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm sorry I wasn't clear enough -- no, the class augmentation
> capability isn't going anywhere, it's a very useful feature and it
> will stay. What will go away, is the need for forward class
> declaration in IL Assembler. The backward compatibility will not be
> affected: the source with forward class declaration will compile just
> fine, as well as without the forward class declaration.
> I don't know about any specific scenario of compilation to IL
> Assembler that would require class augmentation. However, there are
> so many different languages and even more ways to implement a
> compiler, so I wouldn't be surprised if such scenarios existed.
> A typical example of class augmentation: Suppose, you need your
> assembly to do some things you can only describe in IL Assembler, but
> you have neither time nor ambition to write the whole assembly in
> ILAsm. So you write most of your assembly in, say, C#, except the
> pieces that you can't express in C#. These pieces you write in ILAsm,
> in a separate file. Then you compile C# source, disassemble the
> "incomplete" DLL into an ILAsm file, and re-assemble both ILAsm files
> into new, "complete" DLL.
> As to your other question: no, class augmentation doesn't work across
> assemblies. You can't take a class from another assembly and augment
> it in your assembly. Instead, if you want to extend an "alien" class,
> you'll have to derive your own class from it. More than that, the
> class augmentation doesn't even work across modules within the same
> assembly. Class augmentation is a purely linguistical feature of the
> IL Assembler, it's not a metadata feature (such as class extension or
> interface implementation).
> I don't think class augmentation across the module boundaries can be
> implemented in principle: if you have half of class Foo declared in
> module A.dll and another half -- in B.dll, then what will be the
> resolution scope of Foo type reference? And what will the Loader do
> while loading A.dll? Lay out one half of Foo and be done with it?
> Thanks,
> Serge
> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Michael DuPont [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 10:22 AM
> To: Serge Lidin; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: Augmented classes and ILASM
> Serge,
> Thank you for your prompt answer and good description of the
> situation.
> Unfortunatly if I have understood you properly, that means that
> writing
> Augmented code will also be non-portable in the end.  :(
> Surly Augmentation can be shown to be a valid technique for the
> separation of aspects of a program into different files, but I guess
> that not many people are going to be writing large IL programs by
> hand.
> Will the augmentation be feature that is only a effect of the nature
> of
> handwritten ILASM, or is it possible to write a compiled IL assembly
> that would dictate the need for the separation of a class?
> I wonder if it possible to augment a class across two different DLLS?
> That would allow for the seperation of the aspects of a class into
> multiple modules, each that would be linked into one whole.
> It looks to me to be an implementation detail in the ildasm/ilasm. I
> will have to re-read the spec. looking for a statement on the layout
> and location of the class metadata. I wonder if all the data about a
> type/classes has to be in one section. (surly this is a silly
> question
> that stems from my lack of understanding)
> One can then safely remove the "forwards" section of the il that is
> created by the rotor ilsdasm for testing interoperability with other
> implementations of ilasm.
> I had not noticed that IL is a superset of the ECMA features yet,
> thanks for pointing them out. I still have alot to learn about IL,
> but
> the more that I learn about, the more I am excited.
> You have really described the IL language in your book in a very
> entertaining way. It is truly a good read.
> The real redeeming factor about IL in my option is the amount of type
> information that is stored in the IL, this greatly aids in the
> understandibily of a give set of code.
> Compared to the Parrot assembler language, IL is incredibly verbose!
> Best regards,
> mike
> --- Serge Lidin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi James,
> >
> > Thanks for good words about my book.
> >
> > To answer your question: The class augmentation is not mentioned in
> > ECMA spec, because in this spec IL Assembler is used mostly as a
> mean
> > to describe the metadata and IL. The class augmentation doesn't
> > change anything in this regard, so it was considered irrelevant to
> > the spec.
> >
> > You might also notice that actual implementation of IL Assembler is
> a
> > superset of the spec'ed features. Some features, such as TLS
> > constants and unmanaged exports, were deemed
> > "implementation-specific" and not subject to standardization.
> >
> > The necessity of forward class declaration (first declare the
> classes
> > including the nested ones, then declare them with the members) is
> > based on the class augmentation principle. The forward class
> > declaration is strongly recommended for IL Assembler v.1.0 and
> > v.1.1., because of some internal IL Assembler problems. In further
> > versions of IL Assembler, the internal handling of the class
> > declarations is different, so there will be no need for the forward
> > class declaration.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Serge
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: James Michael DuPont [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 3:29 AM
> > To: Serge Lidin; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Subject: Re: Augmented classes and ILASM
> >
> >
> > Hi Serge,
> >
> > I am resending this, so that it will go to the whole list
> > First of all, I would like to thank you for writing such a good
> book,
> > Inside IL assembler. I have a question about the "Augmented"
> classes
> > feature :
> >
> > I cannot seem to find the area in the ECMA spec that covers the
> > ability
> > to augment classes, and reopen them. You cover it in your book, and
> > rotor supports it, but still, i would like to resolve exactly where
> > this is covered in the spec, can you advise?
> >
> > In in IL produced by Rotors ILDASM, there a number for "Forwards"
> > that
> > are declared for clases, with the pattern :
> >
> > I have opened a bug report for the dotgnu ilasm based on the il
> > created
> > by rotor :
> >
> >
> > .class private auto ansi beforefieldinit DotGNU
> > extends [mscorlib]System.Object
> > {
> > } // end of class DotGNU
> >
> >
> > // =============== CLASS MEMBERS DECLARATION ===================
> > // note that class flags, 'extends' and 'implements' clauses
> > // are provided here for information only
> >
> > .class private auto ansi beforefieldinit DotGNU
> > extends [mscorlib]System.Object
> > {
> > .field static assembly literal string Title = "DotGNU.Testing.dll"
> >
> > } // end of class DotGNU
> >
> >
> > mike
> >
> >
> >
> > =====
> > James Michael DuPont
> >
> >
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> =====
> James Michael DuPont
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