
Barry Bond wrote:

> Pinned objects fall into two categories.  First, all arguments passed
> via P/Invoke (also called NDirect) are implicitly pinned.  Second,
> objects can be explicitly allocated as pinned via the managed
> System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle.Alloc(Object, GCHandleType)
> method, which adds entries to the objecthandle table.

what is an NDirect call? where can i find more info about this
Are weak pointers also dealt in the same way ie, are they also formed
similarly (via two categories etc..)?

>  In both cases,
> pinning doesn't incur runtime overhead until the GC runs, and the GC
> isn't involved with pinning until GCHeap::Promote() is called, with
> GC_CALL_PINNED set in its 'flags' parameter.
> In the case of P/Invoke, this is the sequence of events as the stack is
> being crawled during a GC and an NDirectMethodFrame is encountered:
>   gcscan.cpp's GcStackCrawlCallback() calls a pFrame->GcScanRoots.  For
> P/Invoke, pFrame is an NDirectMethodFrame.
>   frames.h's NDirectMethodFrame::GcScanRoots() calls
>   frames.h's FrameMethodFrame::PromoteCallerStackWithPinning() calls
>   frames.cpp's FramedMethodFrame::PromoteCallerStackWorker() calls
>   frames.cpp's FrameMethodFrame::PromoteCallerStackHelper() takes an
> fPinArgs parameter which is TRUE in this code path.  For each object
> pointer in a jitted method's stack frame, it calls GCHeap::Promote(...,

the Promote either copies/marks the object depending on the generation,
where does the call for GCHeap::Relocate actually occur for the

Thank you,

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