Tho the solutions wasnt very brilliant:

i rebuilt a GENERIC kernel ( but not any modules ) and installed that instead
of my custom kernel that had alot of compiler optimizations turned on.

What's interesting is that i left  -mpentiumpro enabled (by accident, because
i had it turned on in the global or whatever) and this didnt cause any
problems, so it seems that the rogue bit was that i compiled my custom kernel with
-O2 instead of -O, and that caused ld to fail in a strange way.


oh well.

At Thu, 20 Feb 2003 21:55:32 -0800,
Me wrote:
> Hi;
> I am feeling somewhat pessimistic that you guys are going to be able to help
> me on this one, but if you can, that would be insanely cool, and if you cant,
> but can point me at a more appropriate mailing list than this one, that would
> be pretty cool as well.
> Obviously, i am trying to build rotor on a FreeBSD machine.
> For me, this is a pretty strange experience, given that i worked on MSFT tools
> at BSQUARE for 3 years (and am contracting at MSFT currently) and i am quite
> accustomed to build and sources and dirs files and all that stuff.
> I just *NEVER* expected to see them on my FreeBSD machine.
> In a bizarre way, this sensation is akin to the feeling i got when i first saw
> a 'login:' prompt on my 386 when i installed FreeBSD for the first time back
> in 93 or so, basically it some sort of cognitive dissonance confounded
> expectation thing....login prompts didnt show up on x86 pc's and sources and
> dirs and build and BINPLACE dont show up on Unix boxen....(heck, they'll be porting 
>slm or
> sd next!)
> Ok, enuf with the ruminations of perplexed middle aged OS Crossover geeks,
> onto the problem.
> I cant get the dang thing to build all the way.
> I wont bore you with my whole buildf.log or the buildf.err, i'll just cut to
> the chase:
> ld is failing to link and thus everything else in the build is
> hosed after that.
> Here is the exact call for ld, it's huge. i actually put it in a perl script
> so that i could play with it more effectively:
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> `ld -o /home/spaz/Compile/sscli/clr/bin/rotor_x86/fastchecked/ 
>/usr/lib/crt1.o /usr/lib/crti.o /usr/lib/crtbeginS.o /usr/lib/crtendS.o 
>/usr/lib/crtn.o -L/home/spaz/Compile/sscli/build/v1.x86fstchk.rotor -shared 
>-lrotor_pal -lrotor_palrt -lmscorpe -lfusion -lmscorsn objdf/rotor_x86/mscorver.res 
>  or_x86/fastchecked/xmlparser.lib 
> it fails with the following error, which, i confess, i have never seen before,
> so i am pretty stuck:
> /usr/libexec/elf/ld: 
> reloc against `ValidateFetchObjrefForHandle__FG9OBJECTREFUi': error 2
> if anybody has any workarounds for this, i'd love to hear about them, because
> i'm not going to be able to proceed much further without it.
> (well, ok, actually, i am gonna try and delete
> /home/spaz/Compile/sscli/clr/bin/rotor_x86/fastchecked/cee_wks.lib from the ld
> line so that it links, but i am certain that it's just going to screw me up
> later. :-) )
> tnx for any help you all can provide
> johnu

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