
                            CALL FOR PAPERS

 ACM SIGPLAN 2003 Workshop on Interpreters, Virtual Machines and Emulators

                        June 12, 2003
                        San Diego, California

                Co-located with PLDI'03 at FCRC'03



The ACM SIGPLAN 2003 Workshop on Interpreters, Virtual Machines and
Emulators provides a venue to bring together researchers and
practitioners on interpreters, virtual machine design, emulators and
machine simulators. The theme of the workshop includes novel research
on new techniques, as well as experience reports on innovative real
systems and applications. Papers are solicited in areas including, but
not necessarily limited to, the following:

o       Interpreter optimisations
o       Virtual machine design
o       Virtual machines for code compression
o       Machine emulators
o       Processor simulators
o       Interpreters for embedded systems
o       Mixed-mode interpretive/compiled systems
o       Hardware support
o       Portable (retargetable) interpreters
o       Interpreters for very high-level languages
o       Simplicity, maintainability and correctness issues
o       Software engineering aspects (e.g. cost, time to market)
o       Experience reports

In principle, any topic relating to the design or implementation of
interpreter-based systems is suitable for this workshop. If there is
any doubt about the suitability of a given topic for the workshop,
please contact the program chair for confirmation.

Please submit your paper electronically via the workshop web site.
The final versions of papers will be formatted according the ACM
proceedings format and will be no longer than 8 pages in this
format. This 8 pages includes everything (i.e., it is the total
length of the paper). Templates for ACM format are available for
Latex, Word Perfect, and Microsoft Word are located at
http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html. Submitted
versions of papers do not have to use this format, but should not
be excessively long.

Submissions should be in PDF or Postscript (preferred) that is
interpretable by Ghostscript and printable on US Letter and A4 sized
paper. Papers already being reviewed by another conference or workshop
are not eligible. If a closely related paper has been submitted to a
journal, the authors must notify the program chair.

The deadline for submissions is March 10th 2003. Please visit the
web site for submission instructions.

Important Dates:
o March 10th, 2003: Paper submission
o April 28th 2003: Author notification
o May 21st 2003: Camera ready copy
o June 12th 2003: Workshop

General Chair
David Gregg, Trinity College Dublin

Program Chair
Anton Ertl, TU Wien

Program Committee
Todd Austin, University of Michigan
Michael Franz, University of California at Irvine
Chris Fraser, Microsoft Research
Etienne Gagnon, University of Quebec at Montreal
Jan Hoogerbrugge, Philips Research
Roberto Ierusalimschy, PUC-Rio
Paul Klint, University of Amsterdam
Ian Piumarta, University of Paris 6
Vitor Santos Costa, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Mario Wolczko, Sun Microsystems


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