Subject: Re: [DOTNET-ROTOR] Error Building Rotor on Windows XP
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 17:48:45 +0000
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Scratch the last email. Sorry. I was not running env.bat. It was as I said in the 
original email.
No process at all
(cordbg) run hello.exe
Process 3208/0xc88 created
Process exited.
(cordbg) sh
No current process.
> What happens if you say:
> C:\sscli> cordbg hello.exe
> (cordbg) sh
> ?
> Do you see your code?  Have you tried stepping with si/so, etc?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Discussion of the Rotor Shared Source CLI implementation
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sam Gentile
> Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 12:09 AM
> Subject: Re: [DOTNET-ROTOR] Error Building Rotor on Windows XP
> Ok, I got it working.  I have now built a complete checked version. I can
> execute csc and compile programs, use clix to execute them but cordbg always
> exits immedietly even if I build a program with debug info. Anyone know
> what's happening here? I have an INETA demo I need to do tomorrow night and
> would like to include this:
> C:\sscli>csc /debug hello.cs
> Microsoft (R) Visual C# Shared Source CLI Compiler version 1.0.0003
> for Microsoft (R) Shared Source CLI version 1.0.0
> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2002. All rights reserved.
> C:\sscli>clix hello.exe
> Hello, World!
> C:\sscli>cordbg hello
> Microsoft (R) Shared Source CLI Test Debugger Shell Version 1.0.0003.0
> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1998-2002. All rights reserved.
> (cordbg) run hello
> Process 3080/0xc08 created.
> Process exited.
> (cordbg) exit
> ------------------------------------
> ManagedCode Consulting
> Sam Gentile
> President
> ------------------------------------
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Discussion of the Rotor Shared Source CLI implementation
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jason Whittington
> Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 1:08 PM
> Subject: Re: [DOTNET-ROTOR] Error Building Rotor on Windows XP
> Isn't 0xc0000005 a memory access violation?  Not that that's any help ;)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Discussion of the Rotor Shared Source CLI implementation
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sam Gentile
> Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2004 3:25 PM
> Subject: Re: [DOTNET-ROTOR] Error Building Rotor on Windows XP
> Nope, same thing:
> NMAKE :  U1077: 'cmd' : return code '0xc0000005'
>  file binplaced         cmd /C "if exist securitydb.raw clix
> C:\sscli\build\v1.x86fstchk.rotor/dump/secdbedit.exe -regen securitydb xml"
> NMAKE :  U1077: 'cmd' : return code '0xc0000005' Stop. BUILD: NMAKE.EXE
> failed - rc = 2
> Anyone know what's up?
> ------------------------------------
> ManagedCode Consulting
> Sam Gentile
> President
> ------------------------------------
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Discussion of the Rotor Shared Source CLI implementation
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sam Gentile
> Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2004 2:17 PM
> Subject: Re: [DOTNET-ROTOR] Error Building Rotor on Windows XP
> > There are other problems later on that seem like WinZip didn't unzip
> everything correctly:
> I know what could be wrong-) I didn't shut off "smart" CR/LF conversion in
> WinZip
> ------------------------------------
> ManagedCode Consulting
> Sam Gentile
> President
> 3 Divinity Circle
> Nashua, NH 03063
> tel: (603) 881-8887
> mobile: (603) 860-6361
> ------------------------------------
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Discussion of the Rotor Shared Source CLI implementation
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sam Gentile
> Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2004 2:11 PM
> Subject: Re: [DOTNET-ROTOR] Error Building Rotor on Windows XP
> Thanks for your reply. It looks like here:
> file binplaced  cmd /C "if exist securitydb.raw clix
> C:\sscli\build\v1.x86fstchk.rotor/dump/secdbedit.exe -regen securitydb xml"
> NMAKE :  U1077: 'cmd' : return code '0xc0000005' Stop. BUILD: NMAKE.EXE
> failed - rc = 2
> There are other problems later on that seem like WinZip didn't unzip
> everything correctly:
> Version.pp      perl C:\sscli\rotorenv\bin\
> objdf\rotor_x86\csc.rsp " /d:FEATURE_PAL /nowarn:1595 /nowarn:649
> /nowarn:679 /nologo /warn:4 /fullpaths /checked- /codepage:1252
> /warnaserror- /debug+ /debug:pdbonly /optimize+ /incremental- /d:_DEBUG
> /d:_LOGGING /D:DEBUG /D:DBG /nostdlib+
> /R:C:\sscli\build\v1.x86fstchk.rotor\mscorlib.dll /D:TRACE /target:exe
> objdf\rotor_x86\version.cs /res:storeadm.resources storeadm.cs"         csc
> /noconfig /out:C:\sscli\clr\bin\rotor_x86\fastchecked\storeadm.exe
> @objdf\rotor_x86\csc.rsp binplace
> C:\sscli\clr\bin\rotor_x86\fastchecked\storeadm.exe  Stop. Linking
> c:\sscli\clr\src\toolbox\isymmanagedwrapper directory ********************
>         copy C:\sscli\rotorenv\bin\assemblyattributes.cspp
> objdf\rotor_x86\AssemblyAttributes.cspp         1 file(s) copied. cl -nologo
> -Ii386\ -I. -IC:\sscli\clr\src\inc\version -IC:\sscli\rotorenv\bin
> -IC:\sscli\clr\public\oak\inc -IC:\sscli\pal -IC:\sscli\palrt\inc -Di386
> -DWIN32=100 -D_NT1X_=100 -DWINNT=1 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400 -DWINVER=0x0400
> -D_WIN32_IE=0x0400    -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN=1 -DDBG=1 -DDEVL=1 -DFPO=0
> "-DASSEMBLY_KEY_FILE=C:\\sscli\\clr\\bin\\finalpublickey.snk"
> -DMICROSOFT_KEY_TOKEN=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
> -DMICROSOFT_KEY_FULL=0024000004800000940000000602000000240000525341310004000
> 00100010007d1fa57c4aed9f0a32e84aa0faefd0de9e8fd6aec8f87fb03766c834c99921eb23
> be79ad9d5dcc1dd9ad236132102900b723cf980957fc4e177108fc607774f29e8320e92ea05e
> ce4e821c0a5efe8f1645c4c0c93c1ab99285d622caa652c1dfad63d745d6f2de5f17e5eaf0fc
> 4963d261c8a12436518206dc093344d5ad293 "-DSIGN_ASSEMBLY=1"
> "-DALLOW_PARTIALTRUSTCALLS=0"    /c /Zel /Zp8 /Gy  /W3 /Gz  /QIfdiv- /QIf
> /QI0f  /Gi /Gm /GX-  /GR- /GF  /Zi /O1  /G6 /Oy-
> /Fdc:\sscli\clr\src\toolbox\isymmanagedwrapper\objdf\rotor_x86\
> /FRc:\sscli\clr\src\toolbox\isymmanagedwrapper\objdf\rotor_x86\  /EHs- /EHa-
> /EHc-  /WX /FIC:\sscli\clr\src\inc\WarningControl.h
> objdf\rotor_x86\AssemblyAttributes.cspp         cl -nologo
> @objdf\rotor_x86\cl.rsp /E  /DCSC_INVOKED=1
> objdf\rotor_x86\AssemblyAttributes.cspp >
> objdf\rotor_x86\AssemblyAttributes.cs AssemblyAttributes.cspp   copy
> C:\sscli\rotorenv\bin\assemblyrefs.cspp objdf\rotor_x86\AssemblyRefs.cspp
> 1 file(s) copied. cl -nologo -Ii386\ -I. -IC:\sscli\clr\src\inc\version
> -IC:\sscli\rotorenv\bin -IC:\sscli\clr\public\oak\inc -IC:\sscli\pal
> -IC:\sscli\palrt\inc -Di386 -D_X86_  -DSTD_CALL -DCONDITION_HANDLING=1
> -DNT_UP=1  -DNT_INST=0 -DWIN32=100 -D_NT1X_=100 -DWINNT=1
> -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400 -DWINVER=0x0400 -D_WIN32_IE=0x0400
> "-DASSEMBLY_KEY_FILE=C:\\sscli\\clr\\bin\\finalpublickey.snk"
> -DMICROSOFT_KEY_TOKEN=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
> -DMICROSOFT_KEY_FULL=0024000004800000940000000602000000240000525341310004000
> 00100010007d1fa57c4aed9f0a32e84aa0faefd0de9e8fd6aec8f87fb03766c834c99921eb23
> be79ad9d5dcc1dd9ad236132102900b723cf980957fc4e177108fc607774f29e8320e92ea05e
> ce4e821c0a5efe8f1645c4c0c93c1ab99285d622caa652c1dfad63d745d6f2de5f17e5eaf0fc
> 4963d261c8a12436518206dc093344d5ad293 "-DSIGN_ASSEMBLY=1"
> "-DALLOW_PARTIALTRUSTCALLS=0"    /c /Zel /Zp8 /Gy  /W3 /Gz  /QIfdiv- /QIf
> /QI0f  /Gi /Gm /GX-  /GR- /GF  /Zi /O1  /G6 /Oy-
> /Fdc:\sscli\clr\src\toolbox\isymmanagedwrapper\objdf\rotor_x86\
> /FRc:\sscli\clr\src\toolbox\isymmanagedwrapper\objdf\rotor_x86\  /EHs- /EHa-
> /EHc-  /WX /FIC:\sscli\clr\src\inc\WarningControl.h
> objdf\rotor_x86\AssemblyRefs.cspp       cl -nologo @objdf\rotor_x86\cl.rsp
> /E  /DCSC_INVOKED=1 objdf\rotor_x86\AssemblyRefs.cspp >
> objdf\rotor_x86\AssemblyRefs.cs AssemblyRefs.cspp       echo this is a test
> >objdf\rotor_x86\     erase /q
> C:\sscli\clr\bin\rotor_x86\fastchecked\ISymWrapper Could Not Find
> C:\sscli\clr\bin\rotor_x86\fastchecked\ISymWrapper      perl
> C:\sscli\rotorenv\bin\ objdf\rotor_x86\csc.rsp " /d:FEATURE_PAL
> /nowarn:1595 /nowarn:649 /nowarn:679 /nologo /warn:4 /fullpaths /checked-
> /codepage:1252 /warnaserror- /debug+ /debug:pdbonly /optimize+ /incremental-
> /d:_DEBUG /d:_LOGGING /D:DEBUG /D:DBG /nostdlib+
> /R:C:\sscli\build\v1.x86fstchk.rotor\mscorlib.dll /D:TRACE /target:library
> objdf\rotor_x86\AssemblyAttributes.cs objdf\rotor_x86\AssemblyRefs.cs
> isymwrapper.cs"         csc /noconfig
> /out:C:\sscli\clr\bin\rotor_x86\fastchecked\ISymWrapper.dll
> @objdf\rotor_x86\csc.rsp binplace
> C:\sscli\clr\bin\rotor_x86\fastchecked\ISymWrapper.dll  gacutil -i
> C:\sscli\build\v1.x86fstchk.rotor\ISymWrapper.dll  Microsoft (R) Shared
> Source CLI Global Assembly Cache Utility.  Version 1.0.0003.0 Copyright (C)
> Microsoft Corporation 1998-2002. All rights reserved.  Assembly successfully
> added to the cache  Stop.
> ------------------------------------
> ManagedCode Consulting
> Sam Gentile
> President
> ------------------------------------
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Discussion of the Rotor Shared Source CLI implementation
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jan Kotas
> Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2004 1:20 PM
> Subject: Re: [DOTNET-ROTOR] Error Building Rotor on Windows XP
> Searching for "'cmd' : return code '0xc0000005'" in
> C:\sscli\clr\src\builddf.log should give you a clue what went wrong.
> -Jan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Discussion of the Rotor Shared Source CLI implementation
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sam Gentile
> Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2004 5:52 AM
> Subject: [DOTNET-ROTOR] Error Building Rotor on Windows XP
> Hi All,
> On my laptop last night, I tried to build Rotor and got:
>    912 files compiled - 1 Error -  1657 LPS
>    39 libraries built
>    25 executables built
>    39 browse databases built
>    156 files binplaced
> ** Error while building C:\sscli\clr\src
>    Open C:\sscli\clr\src\builddf.err to see the error log.
>    Open C:\sscli\clr\src\builddf.wrn to see any warnings.
> Builddf.err shows:
> NMAKE :  U1077: 'cmd' : return code '0xc0000005'
> Any ideas?
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