I've successfully built Rotor a couple of times, but now I've moved
Rotor to a brand new laptop and - bang - run into trouble at the very

When running buildall.cmd (on Windows) it stops directly when building
PAL since the WX switch treats warnings as errors.

   --- Builing PAL ---

   C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
2003\Vc7\PlatformSDK\Include\WinNT.h(2081) : error C2220: warning
treated as error - no object file generated
   C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
2003\Vc7\PlatformSDK\Include\WinNT.h(2081) : warning C4391: 'DWORD
__readfsdword(DWORD)' : incorrect return type for intrinsic function,
expected 'unsigned long'

exceptions.c is the first file to be compiled in PAL. It includes
win32pal.h as the first thing, which eventually includes windows.h,
which in turn includes winnt.h, and then the compiler throws this error.

I've been looking into this now for an hour. Does anyone know what this
is and what's wrong?

Grateful for help!


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