> 1. Why is the number bumped up by 2 every time someone waits on the

This field is a combination of a bit flag and counter. The bit flag is
the lowest bit, the counter is the rest.

> 2. What is the meaning of doing (state - 2) | 1) - and why?

This decrements the counter and sets the flag.

> 3. How do I translate the MonitorHeld column in the !SyncBlk command?
Do I
assume that every 2 incrememnt after 1 corresponds to some guy waiting?



-----Original Message-----
From: Discussion of the Rotor Shared Source CLI implementation
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sriram Krishnan
Sent: Saturday, October 16, 2004 11:32 PM
Subject: [DOTNET-ROTOR] Explanation of AwareLock's m_MonitorHeld

While debugging with the SOS extension, I used the SyncBlk command and
the following output.
0:003> !SyncBlk
Index SyncBlock MonitorHeld Recursion   Thread  ThreadID     Object
    3 0016f634            3         1   161a50   910   4   00aa1bac
                Waiting threads:
    4 0016f660            3         1   161888   d08   3   00aa1ba0
                Waiting threads:

I was curious to know what that MonitorHeld column was - and dug through
Rotor sos code and found that it mapped to the m_MonitorHeld of

The lines of code that interest me are (in SyncBlk.cpp)

FastInterlockCompareExchange((LONG*)&m_MonitorHeld, state + 2, state)
gets executed whenever tries to acquire a lock)


FastInterlockCompareExchange((LONG*)&m_MonitorHeld, state - 2, state)
(inside AwareLock::EnterEpilog)

Whenever you get a new guy waiting on the lock, the state variable
(which is
the same as the m_MonitorHeld) gets bumped up by 2 and bumped back down
by 2
whenever someone stops waiting.

When someone *does* acquire the lock, the code executed is
(FastInterlockCompareExchange((LONG*)&m_MonitorHeld, ((state - 2) | 1),

Now, here are my questions

1. Why is the number bumped up by 2 every time someone waits on the

2. What is the meaning of doing (state - 2) | 1) - and why?

3. How do I translate the MonitorHeld column in the !SyncBlk command? Do
assume that every 2 incrememnt after 1 corresponds to some guy waiting?

Thanks in advance,


I blog at http://www.dotnetjunkies.com/weblog/sriram


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