 wrt reply below, Assuming that one takes the Attribute route. Lets say X
is such a class. If X has some built-in classes as members like for example
an Arraylist as its member say f. Going by the same vein, f can be marked
with such an attribute. so that would cover up for f=new
ArrayList(); But there might be calls on f like f.Add(object) which
internally does allocation but is not visible to the outside world.
Can this scheme extend to allocation happening inside too? ie, Can Attributes
be used to solve this problem? If not is there any other way?
Thanks very much

 On Tue, 24 Aug 2004, Jan Kotas wrote:
> - If all instances of certain classes are supposed to be allocated by
> your allocator, you can use custom attribute to mark them as such. Or
> you can use custom attribute to say that all instances of given class in
> an assembly should be allocated using your allocator. The JIT would
> consult the custom attribute every time it jitted a newobj instruction
> and call the appropriate internal implementation of new.

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